Pregnancy Personal Trainer

Get in Touch Today!

During pregnancy, you will experience the biggest change that your body will undertake. Staying active is vital for keeping you and your growing baby healthy.

Personal Training is the best way to ensure you are as fit and strong throughout your pregnancy as you can be, ready to embrace the next chapter in your life.

In your one-to-one personal training sessions, we focus on:

  • Bump-friendly exercises
  • Strength in the right places
  • Mental health and body-confidence
  • Minimising abdominal separation (person dependent)

You can also get together with friends for one-to-two or one-to-three
personal training, still tailored to your needs but in a supportive, social

Ginette Brandon-smith, personal trainer during pregnancy
Ginette using resistance bands

What happens during a pregnancy personal training session?

Using resistance bands, body weight and the odd kettlebell/dumbbell, I will tailor exercises to match your stage of pregnancy, changing exercises as frequently as necessary for you and your bump.

I will teach you how to engage your core muscles even whilst pregnant, supporting a quicker postnatal recovery (and potentially a smoother birthing experience). Training your core muscles can help minimise abdominal separation in the later stages of pregnancy and help with recovery post-birth.


Initial Consultation – £55
Before we begin your fitness journey, we will get together and spend 100 minutes discussing your goals and aspirations. I will take a complete medical (and birth if relevant) history, analyse your current posture, understand your diet and nutrition, and give you some initial tips for connecting with your core. We’ll run through an overview of your personal training programme, so you know exactly what to expect.

1 x 1 hour sessions
5 x 1 hour sessions
10 x 1 hour sessions
One-to-Two Personal Training
10 x 1hr sessions 
£300 per person
One-to-Three Personal Training
10 x 1hr sessions 
£235 per person
Personal Training out with you
Personal Training at your choice of location
£55 per hour + £10 per 15 minutes of travel each way from Studio

Rediscover yourself and embrace your strength from within

Ginette is the best trainer I’ve ever had, plus she’s friendly, approachable and always fun to spend time with.

Nancy Willacy